Japani Tel: Review, Side Effects, Uses and Ingredients

by - 1:23 AM

If you are reading any vernacular or Hindi newspapers in North India, chances are high that you will encounter an advertisement of Japani Tel.

Japani Tel is advertised as a potent ayurvedic medicine to enhance the sexual stamina of a male. It is claimed to treat impotency, erectile dysfunctional and premature ejaculation, among other sexual problems.

Hence, if you are not able to satisfy your partner on the bed, you can use Japani Tel.
However, I must mention here that there is nothing as such Japani in this oil. It is completely Indian. I don’t know why manufacturers use the brand name Japani to market this product. May be they want to mesmerize users with this Japani word.

Ingredients of Japani Tel

Just a cursory look on ingredients will make you believe that this product has nothing to do with Japan. Here is some of the prominent contents of Japani Tel:

-         Akarkara
-         Black Pepper
-         Saffron
-         Mustard Oil
-         Chameli Oil
-         Kasturi
-         Lata Kasturi
-         Heeng
-         Saffron
-         Weer Bahuti
-         Jundebedastar

As you can see in the above list, all ingredients are Indian herbal. You might have also noticed that it doesn’t contain Safed Musli, a common herbal products in all Indian herbal sexual wellness products.

Side Effects of Japani Tel

There isn’t any side effect of Japani Tel. This is because of the fact that it is completely made with herbal products. Not a modicum of chemical products is used to manufacture Japani Oil.

How to Use Japani Tel

It is quite easy to use this oil. Take 2 – 3 drops of oil in your hand and massage softly on your penis. You should massage before going to bed and also in the morning.

Effects and Uses of Japani Tel

Following are effects and uses of Japani Oil:

-         It can improve the flow of blood circulation in your sexual organ. With this flow, your penis may become erect in a harder way, giving more pleasure to your partner.

-         It can increase the time of ejaculation giving the complete satisfaction to your partner.
-          It can help your fatigued and tired muscle to get relaxed.

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    <a href="http://www.japanioilandcapsule.com" title="Japani Tel '>Japani Tel</a>

  7. it is very good...and giving effect in one bottle....thank you...

  8. does it really work in increasing penis size??

  9. Totally wrong ingredient for Japani oil
    Right ingredient its

    Akarkara 100 mg
    Malla 50 mg
    Malkangni 25 mg
    Keshar 50 mg
    Harttal 125 mg
    Jaitoon Oil QS
    Laung 100 mg
    Tilli oil QS
    It's work awesome

  10. Japinesh oil + sudh ghee see the effect
